Public Affairs – Recovery Beyond

Public Affairs – Recovery Beyond
Jesper Dinesen
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Recovery Beyond Featured On


By Luciana Bosio –  

You’ve heard the phrase “When you hit rock bottom, you can only go up…” The question is how high… How about 14,411 ft? That number may seem random, but it’s not… 14,411 ft is the elevation on Mt. Rainiers summit. And yes, Mt. Rainiers summit is helping people recover from addiction and homelessness… How? Well, that’s what this show is about. Recovery Beyond Paradigm addresses the problems of addiction recovery and homelessness in unconventional ways, like summiting Mt. Rainier… To Talk about Recovery Beyond Paradigm and their Climbing Out of Homelessness program, we’ve invited Gina Haines, Executive Director of Recovery Beyond Paradigm, and Program Manager Nate Lanting. Listen to our talk here…