
Are You or Someone You Know in Recovery? Join Us!

Recovery Beyond is a non-profit community focused on strengthening connection & recovery through outdoor activities.

Our events range from monthly social gatherings to exciting group experiences including hiking, kayaking, pickleball, snowshoeing, camping, acro yoga and more.

We also offer 1:1 peer mentorship, a private online community space, volunteering, and training and education opportunities.

As an independent Non-Profit we are not affiliated with any outside groups or organizations and are here to support your personal path of recovery.

Thanks to a long legacy of dedication, big hearts, and the ongoing generosity of donors like you, membership is 100% free!

Whether you have a personal recovery story or want to support what we do, we have a place for you.

Experience a life where Recovery is just another word for Living…

Get Involved:

Whether you are newly on the path or in long term recovery, we have a space for you! Click here to fill out our member interest form.

Click here to check out our Event Calendar! Join us for hiking, camping, kayaking, and more.

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Your donation supports long term recovery, healthy lifestyles, and lasting connections. Click here to give a one time or recurring gift today – we truly can’t do this without you!

What if Recovery was just another word for Living?

What Our Members Have to Say:

  • Participant

    "I was introduced to Recovery Beyond in April of 2022. It has been a great opportunity finding people to go hiking with, it was something I never had done before.

    I went on the previous [2022] Expedition kayaking in the San Juan Islands, it was one of the realest things I had ever done. I felt alive for the first time in a while.

    I knew that this [2023 Expedition] would be a similar experience. I made it my summer goal to work as hard as I could so I could get selected."

  • Participant

    "I’m grateful for all of the opportunities Recovery Beyond has offered to me."

  • Participant

    "Being a part of Recovery Beyond and having the opportunity to go on the Annual Audacious Expedition has changed my perspective on what it means to be in recovery and how I walk my path - it has become a new level of living, experiencing, and cultivating a different knowingness of myself and who I am today.

    I am so grateful to be exactly where I am with this astounding community of strong, courageous, hilarious, wise, incredible people!"

  • Participant

    "I have been a member since April, I was able to enjoy a whole summer of group hiking and learned many exercises attending the Boot Camp. So far, I have gone on at least five hikes. I learned how to kayak and spent five days in the San Juan Islands on the 2022 Audacious Expedition.

    I have met friends that I feel are positive connections for me.  This way of recovery has been an opportunity for me to get active and learn how to have fun.  I’m grateful to be a part of the team."

  • Participant

    "Recovery Beyond has been an amazing addition to my life.

    When I was first approached about Recovery Beyond there was, naturally, a little uncertainty being the fact that it would be a new experience in a new environment with all new people!

    For me it's always the same story in my head; I'm nervous to immerse myself into a new situation but then whenever I am in the situation I feel the opposite of nervous/uncertain;  I am confident and enthusiastic!

    Also, afterwards there is positive reinforcement because I just did something that I was scared to do so there is a sense of empowerment of what I just accomplished. It's fun to see that contrast."

  • Participant

    "I feel like I have worked on my mental and emotional parts with IOP, my mental health counselor, and being active in A.A. But I felt like something with my physical health was lacking.

    It was time to add the physical side to not only my recovery but my lifestyle.

    I was lucky enough to be told about this by my Parole officer. It's so nice to have somewhere to get out and do more of the outdoor activities and workouts with sober people."

  • Peer Lead

    "Recovery Beyond is such an essential part of my recovery and taking care of my mental health!"

  • Peer Lead

    "Why be a Peer Lead? I suppose for me it's hope and understanding. Both were in very short supply in my life, and while I was on my road to recovery, I found it to be true for so many who were starting their own journeys.

    It brings me joy to share my hope, and to offer my understanding."

Member Quick Links:

Click here to complete your monthly 2 minute survey. This helps us get funding for our programs & ensures you stay qualified as an active member!

Click here to check in to your Recovery Beyond event.