Length: 7.0 miles of trails Elevation Gain: 1100 ft. Parking Pass/Entry Fee: None Grand Ridge Park includes seven miles of WTA-built trail through western redcedar trees, sword ferns, nettles, berries and, at times, slugs. This trail is a little piece of the backcountry close to Seattle and is open to hikers, mountain bikers and equestrians. Check out the hiking description […]
Monthly Game Night! Come join us for a fun game on the third Wednesday of every month. Game of choice will be announced the week of the event. Hope to see you there! The Theme of our inaugural game night will be: ugly sweater. Please wear your favorite, out of this world, holiday sweater.
Due to new COVID-19 restrictions, our hikes are limited to 5 people total. If you are interested in joining as a volunteer or member, please email jess@recoverybp.org. Length: 7.5 miles, roundtrip Elevation Gain: 1800 ft. Parking Pass/Entry Fee: Northwest Forest Pass Waterfalls, wildflowers, sheltering forests, mountain views and an alpine lake are offered on this well-maintained trail. At the lake, […]