Hike: Ira Spring Trail to Mason Lake

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Hike: Ira Spring Trail to Mason Lake

June 26, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 1:00 pm PDT

Attendance: 1 / ∞

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Ira Spring Trail to Mason Lake Recovery Hike!
Sunday June 26th 8am to 1pm
Length: 6.5 miles, round trip 

Elevation Gain: 2420 ft

Highest Point: 4320 ft   
Location: Exit 45 on I-90 Snoqualmie Pass
Required Parking Pass: Northwest Forest Pass
Lead: Mark Adams
“Sun-drenched ridgelines, blooming trillium, and sparkling alpine waters define this fitting tribute to one of Washington’s greatest trail advocates. An ode to lifelong nature photographer and conservationist Ira Spring, this highly popular summer trail traverses steep pitches and open meadows en route to Mason Lake, a popular weekend camping destination in its own right.”

Directions: From Seattle, drive east on I-90 to exit 45. Turn left and cross under the highway, then veer left onto FR-9030. About one mile from the exit, stay left at the fork onto Mason Lake Road, FR-9031. Park in the lot at the end of this road, 3.8 miles from the highway. There is a privy at the trailhead.

What to bring: water, an extra layer, shoes you can comfortably hike in, and a snack


June 26, 2022
8:00 am - 1:00 pm PDT