Born and raised in Oregon and after the separation of his mother and father at a very young age Jose grew up with a front row seat to the effects of drugs and alcohol. Eventually crumbling to the pressures of his surroundings Jose also fell victim to drugs and alcohol abuse for 17 years. In 2008 Jose lost everything he had and gained everything he needed at the same time…he found the rooms of AA and NA. Entirely devoted to his faith and his sobriety Jose immediately began doing service work, got a sponsor, worked the steps and eventually started sponsoring others and chairing meetings. He now has over 11 years clean and sober looking for 12 in August! He has worked with his church as a leader in forgiveness classes and 3rd grade ministry leader. He has also worked with Youth Eastside services mentoring at risk youth and is involved heavily in his community volunteering at St Angelines for Thanksgiving Day meal prep and serving and also serves at local food banks, works donation programs to benefit local communities and financially supporting housing for mentally disabled adults thru their family restaurant. He works full time as a Senior Supervisor in building operations and engineering and helps out at his family’s restaurant The Triple X Root Beer Drive in on Sundays. Jose became an avid hiker after the sudden loss of his mother searching and finding ultimate peace and balance on mountain tops and in the midst of nature. He is also a dedicated cyclist who trains with Cascade Cycling Club and has done the famous STP Seattle to Portland ride for 3 years in a row. He enjoys hot yoga, Brazilian jiu jitsu, long boarding and spending time with his wife and their family of 9 kids. Yes, he has 9 kids!! Jose saw one of McKenzie’s posts on Facebook about Recovery Beyond and was instantly drawn to the purpose, met up with the group for a hike and the rest is history. He loves sharing testimonies, mentoring, guiding and inspiring others with compassion and love! Heart on his sleeve for everyone to see Jose is always smiling and ready to strike up a conversation and welcome you into his heart!